I'm not who I was...

Elizabeth • 33, living in Minnesota, married, mom to two amazing boys

I need to come on here to vent or cry or whatever cuz I really don't have anyone to talk to about this.

I have an almost five year old and will have his brother November 6th by csection. I left my job (it was just a job, didn't really care for it) in May because my hours were cut and we couldn't justify me working and keeping kiddo in daycare (which sucks cuz he was thriving there) and I was really sick with this pregnancy until like 20 weeks. So I've been staying home with no vehicle, nothing to do, with a four year old that more than likely is on the spectrum (getting him tested this fall) and live in my pjs.

This is not who I am. I am someone that likes working, loves putting on makeup, doing my nails, shopping, obsessing over purses and shoes and clothes. I hate being a stay at home mom with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I'm so depressed. My husband is gone from 10-8 or longer every day and uses our only car for work. I don't have any friends where we live, especially none with kids. I want to go back to work or my dream of finally going to cosmetology school but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I wish I could even just go shopping to feel like a girl but we are so broke with my husband being the only one working. I haven't bought any clothes (I can't fit into anything I already own) or shoes or purses in years.

Thanks for letting me put this out there. I guess I just needed an invite to my own pity party.