

alright. so my last "period" was an entire. 1 1/2 weeks late, only lasted 4 days, and I wasnt bleeding. I was spotting with some pinkish blood. the past 4 weeks have grown increasingly weird for me.

fatigue. dizziness. nausea. food abrasions and cravings. increased body temperature. increase in appetite. I cant sleep on my stomach and sometime even sleeping on my side is uncomfortable. my tummy is bloated or otherwise enlarged compared to what is normal for me. breast tenderness and sensativity. mood swings. the list goes on.

I've been taking my pill as directed, following directions even for missed pills for 4-5 packs now, and I've never had these problems. had a few problems with getting sick and having cravings and stuff when I first started the pack, but thats it.

I took 2 home pregnancy tests Sunday, one gave an error and the other negative. I was supposed to be getting a pregnancy test done Monday through a urine sample but come to find out they never ordered it to be done. so that was nice.

but this morning when I got up I ended up getting sick. n about an hour ago I started feeling nauseated again. kicked ny blankets off and just laid down with the fan blowing over me for a while until I calmed down. my tummy was hurting n I just felt awful.

ive still got about another week, week and a half before my next period. is it possible the test was just inaccurate and I really am prego??? could the pills be affecting the result???

ny boyfriend is gonna get me another test tonight so I can take one when he gets home and another when we get up... but like...???

really what scares me the most is I have no idea what's going on with me. is it bad I'm actually terrified that I'm not pregnant?

I cant think of anything else that'd be causing these problems.