I want to make a confession...

First I want to start by saying I am a mother of a 10 month old. Every woman usually says they loved being pregnant etc but I could honestly say I hated it everything of being pregnant due to the fact I had the worst experience which I won't go much into detail. I was unhappy the moment I found out I was pregnant. First of all I never wanted kids. My baby wasn't made the way i would have liked, sadly. But because of that I don't regret having either because it wasn't his or my fault. Moving forward ever since having him I knew I didn't desire any more I said I didn't want to have more baby's especially having babies of different men etc I don't want it to be that case. Thing is I have this current fiancé who was there for me through my whole process of pregnancy and this year he proposed. He always brings up the talk about having more babies etc but I tell him I don't want anymore at all I don't desire them. And I feel that at some point in his life he might leave me because of this, I have been stressing about it because he brings it up so much and i feel like he seriously doesn't understand...

Has anyone been in a situation like this?

Did anyone else felt like this?

By the way I spoke about this with my dr and no she doesn't think I'm depressed or anything it's just that I went through a very traumatic pregnancy experience and my dr says she doesn't recommend me to have more baby's either.