Involuntary Babies

Aspie • I am a teenage girl with Aspergers (associated with ASD).

You know the babies that are a little past the stage of newborn, yet aren't stable enough to hold their structure? Like when a baby bobs it's head and kicks it's legs uncontrollably? I call those babies, "involuntary babies". "Involuntary" is a scientific term for uncontrolled movements of the body. Weather that be internally and externally. Like the beating of a heart, the blinking of our eyes...

Anyways, I've been longing to hold these involuntary babies... They are just so adorable and I feel so protective of them. (I am already protective of my little brother and sister who are hyperactive toddlers). Every time I see them on TV or in the streets with their parents, my heart melts just looking at them. Ugh, I want to hold them!

It's strange because I used to hate children when I was a bit younger, or I was in denial, but now... Whenever I hold a baby, I just get this feeling of extreme happiness... Like its peaceful and the simplicity of it brings me so much comfort.

The way they just stare into your eyes and reach out to touch your face out of fascination. Curious little bundles of joy, aren't they? They always bring a smile to my face...