So frustrated! ( rant)

39 weeks + 5 days and my cervix is still closed!

My doctor went ahead and booked me for a induction on the 27th- which isn't that much farther away... but I'm still so upset!

The doctor said a lot of time that women wont make it to their induction date.. i sure hope shes right! I've been feeling so heavy and cramping lately and just want to meet my baby girl already! 😕

I feel so depressed because I'm not working right now, not going back to school this fall and over all just crummy! I feel like I'm waiting for a little girl to come that never will.

And to make matters worse my niece who is 5 months younger than me, and actually three weeks behind me in her pregnancy is already dilated to 3cm and is suppose to have her baby sometime next week! Her and her mom text me everyday and remind me about it and make other obnoxious comments and it's just so annoying and puts me in a bad mood. I don't mean to sound ugly about it but they are really getting on my nerves

Basically, I am very hormonal!

Good vibes, and any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you for letting me rant Mama's sometimes husbands don't understand hormonal wives