I'm Slowly Becoming Annoyed With My Boyfriend


My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months. And I cannot fucking stand him sometimes.

During the first five months, we were in love and at the honeymoon stage. I gave him my virginity. We said I love you to each other.

But then everything went south from there.

During the next three months, he just changed. I ask him what he wants to do for a date and his answer is "I don't know, whatever you want to do". He doesn't have a job. I understand it's hard to get a job because I've had the same problem. But he is not eager to look. He thinks one will show up to him on a silver platter. He has decided to "mooch off of me and his family" which I shut down real quick. I go to school, work in the evenings, take care of my dad who has cancer, and I have my shit together. I don't sugarcoat it for him and tell him he needs to get his act together not for me but for himself. He is much more invested in playing video games and cosplaying. I understand that he wants to enjoy himself because you only live once but there is a limit.

Everything is such a fucking hassle for him. I invite him to my house and offer to pay for his Lyft rides! I cook him his favorite meals when he is sad, I give him sex, and support him when his family doesn't. I feel like he has lost interest. I have tried everything to help our relationship but there is only so much you can save.