Is this normal?

Kelbe • 27 | Wife | Dog mom | TTC #1 |

August 10th my sleep patterns started to become off. It takes forever to fall asleep & then I only get a few hours sleep. I'm taking melatonin & that maybe gives me an extra hour? I'm normally a deep sleeper & I fall fast & hard. So this is unusual for me. I'm now 9dpo & I just woke up at 2:30 am & had the urge to pee. Again unlike me, my parents call me a camel because I can hold it like crazy. So for it to wake me up is unusual. Now as I'm laying here I have this pressure on my lower abdomen, maybe where my bladder is, to pee. No pain, just pressure. Again never had this. Could I be pregnant? AF due 8/22. Trying to wait to see if she's late before I test.