
Okay so here's the story( kinda long):

This happened two days ago...so Tuesday I stayed in a hotel for the night because on Wednesday I was supposed to move into my new apartment. Now me and my boyfriend are laying in bed "watching a movie" ;)...my phone buzzes and I stop him and look at my phone (I was expecting a call from my dad). My notifications says "magic is typing" on Snapchat (his name really is magic). But his phone is dead, and I forgot my charger at my cousins phone, so he couldn't charge his phone. We were both very confused, he thought maybe he left his Snapchat logged in on his tablet at his place and someone was on it. (Still very weird) so he logs me out of my snap and logs onto his. He goes on my name and there a message sent to me saying "we've been dating 3 years and yeah we're broken up but we're good so forget about him". Then he said "what the fuck, that's my ex"! Basically his ex logged into his Snapchat account (because he never changed his password) and messaged me. Before I continue I want to let y'all know that, he has blocked his ex on Snapchat, because she would send him paragraphs about how she wanted him back and that there years together should mean something to him (btw she cheated that's why they broke up). He unfollowed her on instagram, she use to have him blocked but now she follows him, and he deleted her number.

We haven't talked in person since Tuesday, he left the hotel after I walked out because I needed fresh air, but he's coming over tonight so that we can talk things over.

Personally I'm upset because, when she messages him on messenger because he sometimes responds and they have small talk, it gives her the idea that they could potentially have a chance of getting back together. And i understand wanting to check up on someone but entertaining someone too much can make someone think something. I'm also upset because I don't feel like this is her first time logging into his account, I'm sure she's probably did a few others times, and her knowing exactly who to send that message to means she been through our saved messages and saved pictures of me.

I've already asked him to change his Snapchat password and he did. But when he comes over tonight I'm not sure what to do. I know the things I want to talk about. Anyways what would you do on my situation?

* heres the screenshot of the message but it's in french, sorry :/