Opinions ?

*please no rude comments I just need some opinions and I know it's long but please read

We are a family of 5 me and my husband are 23 and we have 3 kids ages 6, 5, and 4 yeah we were teen parents we'll lately we've been struggling financially a bit we actually live in a 2 bedroom because rent is crazy high we live in Oregon and rent is going up and up they just raised our rent again if we decide to sign a new lease so we have until the 31st to sign a new lease or move out since only my husband works

I don't work for personal reasons

And we've been struggling a bit we always pay the rent but we never really have enough leftover at all because we also buy food, household items etc we pay the bills and car payment so afterwards there's nothing else and my husband also has debt he has collections so his credit score is low these collections are from a few years ago when we were young and obviously made some bad choices

Well we were thinking that we could maybe move into his parents house because they would only charge us $400 rent so we could pay more of our debt off and have more leftover for ourselves the problem is me and my husband and the kids would be in just one bedroom because my in laws only have 2 bedrooms I mean we would fit cause the kids would have a bunk bed with trundle and us our own bed

Or the second choice means my husband will get a second job and never really be home and wouldn't continue with his college anymore because it would be too much to do 2 jobs plus school the kids hate when he works too much cause they don't see him much so anyway idk what to do I feel so stressed out and so does he

So here are the choices

1. Stay living alone and obviously have our own space and husband gets second job, not home much and he stops school

2. Move into his parents temporarily while we pay debt off and catch up because our car payment is 2 months late, he's home more, continues with his school but we would all be in one room temporarily until our financial debt is done and also until I work which should be within these upcoming months if everything goes well with a process I'm going through.

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