Tech revealed sex by accident 😢

Peggy • Mother of two perfect little girls. 💗💗

My husband and I wanted the baby's sex to remain a surprise until birth and we made a big deal about it to everyone and our ultrasound tech. All was going well at the anatomy scan until the very end when she slipped and said "she." I was so convinced I was having a boy for some reason and was so not expecting to find out that day, so at first when she said that I started laughing hysterically while my husband stewed and was pissed that she messed up. Then later when my husband felt better about it I started crying and I still don't know exactly why. I'm so happy it's healthy and everything is going well. For some reason I barely slept and I keep crying when I think about it. Has this happened to anyone else? Now we don't know whether we'll keep pretending we don't know for the next 5 months, or reveal at some point. It's SO not a big deal but I feel so emotional about it. I am shocked it's a girl (which I know is stupid) and it's just a big mental adjustment to make when I didn't even expect to know and I have no one to talk to about it. It's not likely an ultrasound error either because they did a chromosomal test so they know the sex. Just needed to share with someone who may be able to help me understand why I'm so upset. Attached a pic of the perfect little one who is due to join us around new year's ❤️