Could this be!?

Natalie Rose


Had a miscarriage in May, first period July 11 (and hopefully my last). I'm 9 days late for my period, had negatives on Saturday and Sunday.

Woke up this morning took a cheapo test, saw it was negative about not even a minute in and threw it away... went back to bed and 3 hours later woke up went pee again, for some reason -- decided to take the test out of the trash can again and saw a second line. I had no idea what to think. I never waited the 3 min when I first took it. I didn't believe it so I figured just an Evap line. So it was on my mind, went out on my lunch break bought a better test and there it is!! Im skeptical to become too excited bc of my previous miscarriage and this line is still super faint! I'm all kinds of emotions 🤞🏻👏🏻