Thinning hair

My whole life I've had thick hair, when I was a teenager it would take 2-3 people if I was dying my hair or getting highlights. (I didn't dye my hair excessively) Lately I've been noticing that my hair is super thin, such as my scalp is way more visible depending on where I'm looking. Its mostly thin on the sides and on top. I've noticed over the years it wasn't as thick, but I'm to the point now where I want to cry. I don't know what to do.

I do have kidney issues where I get stones a lot and have high calcium in my body or something. I don't dye my hair anymore, but like I said I never did it excessively and this started happening way after. I do wash my hair every day but starting today I'm trying to do it every other day and hopefully not wash so frequently to "train" my oils to go back to normal and not be so greasy. As of last year I've had a really irregular cycle but have been taking Vitex the past 2 months to help my cycle get back to normal.

I've had blood work done before and my thyroid came back okay, I've been told I'm slightly anemic but I take prenatals now that I'm ttc. I've been checked for pcos and that came back fine.

As for my hair type it's curly/wavy, and I'm white, 25 years old. I've been using head and shoulders shampoo (husbands favorite) and whatever store brand conditioner I get on sale. I'm going to ulta today to get some curly hair shampoo and product, since I just chopped about 10 inches off my hair.

I don't know what to do. Do I see my primary doctor about this? Should I ask them to test my thyroid and other tests again? My aunt has an under active thyroid but that's all in my family I believe. I've never seen a dermatologist or endocrinology doctor before. Please help