Custody rights as a single mother


So long story short, I'm about 24 weeks along with a baby girl. I left my boyfriend 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant because he's a piece of shit. No license, controlling, mommy issues, whatever. I want nothing to do with him and his involvement in her life is contingent upon him growing up and acting like an adult. I know he doesn't have the wherewithal, but I want to make sure my daughter is covered in terms of custody. He will not be on the birth certificate and she will have my last name. I understand that he can sue for paternity and parental rights though I'm 95% sure this won't happen. But with the way things are now and the way they are going to be when the baby is born, do I have sole protective and custodial rights over my child? I know that every state is different and I live in West Virginia but I am terrified of him taking her and me not being able to do anything because she's his daughter. Even down the road when she's older, I don't want him to be able to get her off the bus/ pick her up from school because he's so reckless.