Am I in love or just crazy

I broke up with the father of my son 2 months ago. And I started talking to this guy we have been talking for a month. Hes met my son made me introduce him to my mother and I really like him but it feels like he never has time for me. He always with his family ( he has a son and one on the way. fyi he isn't with the mother). his mainly with his brothers playing basketball and when his done,he comes over my house when it's late at night I mean most of the time we have sex. He says he's not using me and keeps telling me that he loves me.but I don't know. He makes all these detailed plans with me about going on trips to Guam or Paris.he makes me feel like we're together but im not sure and I feel like I had talked to someone else I'll be cheating on him and when he promises to come through and he doesn't I get bad like I'm addicted to him and I heard that the definition of love. So am I in love or am I just crazy and being used? I'm 23 I have no time for these games