Emotional Cheating?


So, my boyfriend has a female work friend (had, he just got a new job). They quickly became "best friends" to each other. I, just as swiftly, had this terrible gut feeling about her.

She met him on his lunch break a lot. They text a ton, Snapchat a lot, she calls him.

She is a bit like me. She is also emotionally insecure, also like me. My boyfriend wants to be a good friend and build up her self esteem.

I admire his intentions, not the way they are coming across.

He has mentioned the admirable quality of her being whimsical. I remember that is the exact word used when he said, I wish you were more whimsical. He said I was connected two unconnected conversations.

She has said things like how she would beat him in a drinking contest between just the two of them. She got into a car accident one time (stupidly, she hit a pole in a parking lot). My man was super concerned. Fine. She's a friend. I wake up though, one morning and he's not there (he works nights, so he would come home a few minutes from then). It felt off, the first thought in my head was honestly the name of the girl. Sure enough, he was out at the store with her helping her pick out pain meds instead of home with me. Which, she claims she doesn't know what she needs, but she's a caregiver, and my boyfriend is a nurse. They work in a medical setting. How do you know nothing about pain medicine?

They have planned to hang out together without me on their days off. Thankfully for my jealous heart, the plans have fallen through.

She went through suicidal thoughts and he rushed over to support her. He was gone for hours and hours. I was having a tough time too that day. I understand one is bigger, but she also had another female friend with her who could help.

He has started putting his phone away pretty quickly, and the other night he was messaging her, I see her icon on the phone. I knew I didn't like it then. We were drinking and watching a movie together. The next morning, I'm not proud, but I can log onto his FB and I see messages. He was asking to see the pretty shirt she was wearing earlier, calling her beautiful, talking about him drinking, and ending with "I love you"s with goodnight texts.

I'm super uncomfortable with this. I don't mind "I love you" to people. He has said it to other friends, but it made my stomach knot up this time. I told him I have a problem with everything and that I knew what was said. He agreed to not tipsy text, I agreed to say something when I'm first uncomfortable. It still sits horribly with me.

To be honest, I've started to talk to her too (keep your enemies closer, right? Though she's not necessarily that cut and dry enemy) She says he has never crossed what she thought were boundaries with her. Swears they are friends because they had a conversation about it (what happened to spark that conversation I'm thinking?) and that she would let him know if he crossed a line.

I still don't like it.

I love his intentions of trying to help. He claims he was trying to boost her self esteem.

I don't want him to lose a friend because he doesn't have too many and really values them.

He thinks I'm being too sensitive and should look at the greater good he is able to do in helping someone and that jealousy just hurts everyone.

I understand what he says, and why he does things, it still hurts me like hell.

Am I crazy? Or is there something wrong here?