

It's been 3 weeks now and this same pimple has been on the side of my mouth chin area. It popped up almost a week before my period, I popped it gently and continued to wash my face with the good shit and all that but I noticed it never healed and then it got full again 😑 so I popped it gently again and cleaned it and now it's been a few days after I did it and it still hasn't gone away. I didn't pick at it and waited both times til it was ready.The skin is like a kinda scabbed over. It is slightly pinkish light, light red and it doesn't hurt or anything. A friend recommended micellar water. Any better suggestions for just one or two pop ups once in awhile? Toothpaste is the devil for my skin so no for that trick 😋 THX

Oh I do coconut oil masks I make a few times a month.