New School Rules?


What do you guys think?

So, we have a new principle at my high school. He changed all of the schools policies/rules. One of the rules was cell phones. NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE, AS IM AM CONCERNED AS TO WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!

1. Cell phones

- Cell phones are no longer allowed in any class room! Before you walk into the room you have to put it in a pouch! If is in your pocket and the teacher sees it, the teacher has permission to take away your phone, whether you're on it or not. I understand why they did this, kids in my school are so disrespectful, video taping kids getting bullied, taking pictures/videos of the teachers and posting them, etc.

2. Food/Drinks

- He wants no food in the classrooms. Which is understandable because kids are messy. Some teachers are fine with the food in there class and will disrespect the rule, as my Algebra teacher said. We can have drinks as long as they have lids!

3. Can't say no!

- He says whatever an adult says, you cannot say no! Unless it's unsafe or illegal! This girl, she's new to my school, went ahead and debated against this. She was saying, what if I don't feel comfortable with what they're asking me to do! He said if you feel uncomfortable, do what they say and then after class go to the office and talk to him.

4. Dress code!

- Last year, we could basically wear anything as long as the followed the guide lines. We could wear spaghetti straps, any type of tank top, shorts(mid thigh), etc. Now us girls can't wear any of that. If we show our bra strap, we will be asked to change.

5. Searching

- He says they have the right to search anything. Which is true! The lockers are their property so we're using their property so they have the right? They can even search our bags! He said we can search your bad because it's in our property!

What do you guys think?