Heartbroken... 💔

I recently became pregnant after not being able to due to my endometriosis (phase 4) for 16 plus years. First pregnancy ever at 34 years old.. after a long journey that included two painful surgeries to remove various cysts, endo adhesions, uterus fibroids & help through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. We were over the moon. I however, started bleeding on Sunday followed by excruciating cramps at 6 weeks 4 days of pregnancy & went to my doctor on Monday who then confirmed it was a miscarriage along with the news that we were expecting twins. Such a bittersweet moment that will impact me forever. I didn't fully miscarried till this evening when the sack came out. It finally hit me... it really is happening I really am losing my babies! I was in denial for days.. I'm devastated! I don't know what to do with myself! I'm a true believer of that infamous term, "things happen for a reason" but what is one to do, when the reason never comes!? I feel cheated & in so much sorrow! I don't wish this experience on anyone. For those that have gone through such a loss my heart is with you all! God bless us all! Please keep my husband & I in your prayers, as we are truly heartbroken to have lost our miracle babies!