3 year old knew I was pregnant!

Cassie 🍩 • Wife of 15 years💍. Mama of 5 with a loss, and my last and final little born 04/18 👶🏻. Occupational Therapist. Far from perfect, but serve a perfect God 🙌🏽.

The day before I found out I was pregnant, I was sitting on the couch and my 3 year old comes up to me and says "awwwww, I can't wait for the other baby!" I said "what?!" She said "the one in your tummy," and she lightly puts her finger low on my belly. Now, there's nothing we watched lately about pregnancy or babies or anything like that so I was shocked, plus I was on BC. The next day I begin to feel nauseous so I run to the store and buy a test. I see maybe a second faintest line so I chalk it up to maybe an indent. Next morning I was feeling the same so I decided to take the other test and BOOM, 2 pink lines! I don't know how, but my 3 year old knew I was pregnant before I did!