Did any of you have a miscarriage on one of your rounds of fertility treatment but was able to get pregnant again with a healthy baby? Just looking for some hope 😢

Ky 8-15-17👼🏼 & 10-28-17👼🏼 Pregnant with my🌈💕

I did one round of letrozole and trigger shot in July and it worked and I got pregnant with my first pregnancy. I would have been 5 weeks on Wednesday but my levels dropped and I'm now miscarrying 😰 I'm just nervous and hope that I'm able to get pregnant again on my next round but with a healthy baby. I'll be starting my next round with my specialist as soon as my miscarriage is over in a few weeks. Did anyone else get pregnant on a round of treatment but miscarry and was able to get pregnant again on another round and have a healthy baby??