Lost my virginity and now my period is late

Ok so... this might be a bit long. I lost my virginity last month and it was actually 1/2 days after my period and I was still spotting but very very lightly (only leaving a little brownish mark on my panty liner) we did use a condom and because it was my first time it hurt like hell and actual penetration didn't last very long I think. Anyway I remember having a jelly like clump "come out" the closest I can compare it to is egg white CM (sorry tmi) a couple of weeks ago which is usually what happens during ovulation (so I've read). My period is currently 2 days late and I am freaking out so much. I've been having some discomfort in my lower abdomen and some watery CM though very very little. I should also mention that I have been stressing out because of exam results and due to waiting on university responses so I don't know if this, alongside it being my first time, can delay my period.

I'm probably just freaking myself out but would really appreciate the help.