Opinions please!


So my boyfriend and I have been having a hard time coming to an agreement on the name of our soon to be born baby boy. I've always loved the name Hunter and that's what I've had my heart set on for years. He absolutely HATES it.

We've come to an agreement on the middle name, Richard, after my grandpa.

Now let me back track a little bit, he has 2 other children from his previous marriage. We have them every other weekend right now and are in the process of trying to get split custody and having them every other week.

With that being said....back to the baby name issue. I've tried to be flexible with the baby name but his names are horrible. For example, he suggested Horris. Yes, HORRIS! That name is HORRID! 🤢. With his other two children he got to pick out their names, isn't it only fair for me to be able to pick out this child's name? Especially since this baby is my first....?

Well, today I was being caddy and trying to use reverse psychology on him and I suggested letting him pick out the baby's first name and that I would just give the baby MY last name. I did this thinking that it would be an absolute no-go considering we are having a baby boy and passing on the last name is a big deal....so I thought. He was completely fine with it! His exact words were "It's ok baby I have my kids it's time you lived your name on too" knowing that I absolutely hate my last name and have talked frequently about legally changing it (bad family).

The part that bothers me the most is the fact that he said "I have MY kids". So what? Is this baby not his? This isn't the first time he's said that either. One night we were laying in bed talking about all the kids and he said something in reference to "you'll have your baby and I have my kids".

I just don't feel that he cares about this baby like he does his other kids. He hasn't been very supportive in my opinion during this pregnancy and I feel that he only "cares" out of obligation.

Now, I'm contemplating naming the baby what I want and giving him my grandpas last name (the name I've considered changing my last name to). If he doesn't care then he doesn't need to be a part of this. He has NO OBLIGATION. His family has done nothing to contribute to this baby and he's barely bought anything either. It's been all my friends and my family.

I dont know if I even want him in the delivery room when I give birth (been thinking about that for a while now) and now I'm even reconsidering our relationship. Am I over reacting?