
So I got raped in college at 18. I moved back home and ended up telling my mom. My mom is a psycho and among other crazy things she threatened to tell my dad when she was mad at me ALL THE TIME (he's crazy conservative and I didn't really want anyone to know.

She would say (in front of me) "oh whatever!! You have no idea what your daughter was REALLY doing at college!!" To which my dad would get upset.

During college after my rape, I drank, did drugs and hooked up with a lot of guys. Which before I had only slept with my high school boyfriend after 2 years of being together. ONE GUY. (just putting into context that my change behavior was directly related to the


Anyway one day I was with my husband and dad and we were talking about sexual assault and my dad had the mind set "girls asking for it". So I was upset and I said "I don't think you should say things like that, you don't know what people are going through and that is not something woman are "asking for". I don't think I asked for it. I had to many drinks and the sober driver for the night raped me when I fell asleep and I woke up during it."

His face went blank and he was SO angry. But not at me. He was angry at the man and hurt that I didnt tell him so he could have helped me. I also told him that I did drugs and drank a lot in light of this to which he responded "everyone makes mistakes. I drank and did drugs at your age." I WAS SHOCKED. He NEVER told me that. It created a real bonding moment and really is what mended our broken relationship.

Anyway- my parents are going through the WORST divorce And she tried again to expose me. My dad turned to her and said "she already told me, and I don't want to know anything else that happened. That is her business" my mom freaked out and then turned to my husband and said "you have no idea who she really is!!" He laughed. I have a mental illness-OCD-and my mom used it to shame me many times. But what really made her mad was the fact that my dad and husband LOVE ME despite my challengers.

The advice part-can I take any legal action against her