
Cassie • 🎉🎃🍁🍂 blessed with a beautiful 3 year old boy a 2 year girl and a 9 week girl👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

day 6 of menstruation or spotting, I heard it is possible to be spotting for more than 3 days, it's so light it's less than 1/2oz I would say, when wiping shows either liiiiight pink or Brown, it's getting annoying now, blood results for pregnancy Monday and the waiting game is annoying 😒 actually thinking of testing with ftu in the morning but tired of seeing negatives so I don't want to see it :( sore breasts, constant headaches, had thrush, cramping ended on day 3 since then Nothing, all these symptoms point towards pregnany as they were what I had when I found out with my first