birth story. (prepare to read) πŸ‘€

Let me start of by, this isn't my first child. And I was always told every pregnancy is different. I honestly believe that now. lol Tuesday morning I woke up to contractions 5-10 minutes apart. I timed them for a hour but I could tolerate them so I wasn't in a rush. A couple hours pass and contractions still going so I tell my husband I think it's time. My doctor this pregnancy, kept telling me to come in if contractions was 5-7 minutes apart. So I do as I'm told. I get to the hospital and she tells me I'm 2cm dilated. I'm thinking, this is going to be a breeze. Little did I know i was being set up. πŸ˜‚ she had me walk for a hour and see if I would dilated. No. NOTHING..I was still at 2cm. So they send me home. WITH CONTRACTIONS STILL GOING 5-10 minutes apart. I felt like I was dying slowly. Fast forward to the NEXT MORNING. The contractions never stopped so I wake up to contractions exactly 5 minutes apart and OH did they hurt. Once again. I get my husband up and tell him it's time. We get to the hospital at 8:30. She telling me the exact samething from yesterday but I still have hope. Go for the walk and I get back to bad news...IM STILL 2cm. I literally want to cry at this point. The pain was so unbearable. So I get sent home with contractions now exactly 5 minutes apart. My husband takes me to subway to make me feel alittle better after all the disappointments. NOT EVEN 2 hours later I loose my mucus plug. And the contractions start rolling 2-5 minutes apart. But I just had 2 let downs so I wasn't going back to the hospital. I was convinced my second baby was going to be over due. But little did I know she had plans for me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Contractions had me on my knees. My husband advised a nap but I wasn't the one sleeping. HE WAS πŸ˜’. I'm to the point where I grab the car keys and I'm like look I'm leaving you here. He said you can drive the car you might crash πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. So back to the hospital we go. Literally 4 hours for the time we left this morning. To this point I have the nurses knowing my name and waving at us. πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ she hooked me and and checked my cervix. She told me girl your at 5cm. I SCREAMED SO LOUD, you'd think it was time to push😭. But from here everything went so quickly and my baby girl was born on our 3 year anniversary. πŸ’• sorry for the long story but I know somebody will get a laugh from thisπŸ˜‚