Day 9 of a nursing strike


My DD is 6.5 months old. Strictly breastfed when I am with her. Receives a bottle of breast milk using paced feeding when I'm away. I do have a full time job. However, it used to be that if she were having a bottle and I walked in, she'd spit the bottle out and only want me. Now.... we are on day 9 of her not latching. Unless she's half asleep and it's the middle of the night. I work with breastfeeding moms for a living and have tried everyone we suggest to them. But... nothing is working. I put her to breast and she pushes away screaming bloody murder. I guess I am just trying to see if anyone else has went through something similar and if anyone was able to get baby back to breast? I know the longer we go on like this the less likely it is that I'm going to get her to latch. Which is soooo frustrating to me. :(