What would you have done?


So last night I went to a happy hour with my friend and her coworkers. On the way there she warned me about this guy (lets call him Phil). She said that he was in his 50s and would make misogynistic jokes. She phrased it more politely, but that's what she was getting at. I started to dread this.

We get there, and the jokes start immediately. He's commenting on women's breasts. My friend ran a race recently where the participants are in their underwear and he asks if one of the women had black eyes (from her breast hitting her in the face...wtf). He's touching my friend and then others. He makes a joke about one of the women to her boyfriend.

So, characteristically of me, I said something. And people rush to say "don't worry, Sparrow isn't offended" to him. As if me being offended is worse than the terrible things he was saying and doing. As if that's worse than making all the women uncomfortable all night. They're like "he's just 55 years old and hasn't been laid in 10 years." As if that excuses everything and I should just be like "oh, ok".

What would you have done? Was I out of line to stand up to this asshole?