I'm a single mom in a marriage 😡

My husband pisses me off so much! Im basically a single parent, in a f*cking marriage! I have to ASK him to spend time with his son. I have to ASK him to change a diaper. I have to ASK him to spend time with him. To dress him, hold him anything! My son is 3 months old and from day 1 I'm the one who gets up with him all hours of the night. I'm the one to deal with his crying EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. He might be breastfeed but he will drink from a bottle, my husband won't even learn HOW to bottle feed him. But then has the audacity to start a fight with me because I'm tired, I've been up multiple time throughout the night, been up since 7:30 when I didn't get to sleep till 1:30 because my son was having a bad night while he was asleep since 11! And all I wanted was for him to entertain OUR son so he might fall back to sleep while I got some sleep but no he's PHONE is so much more important. HIs PHONE takes priority over his own son. He's barely spent any time with him since he's been born, he can't even figure out why he's crying. It's pissing me off. Everything falls on me. ME asking him get off his phone and spend time with his son makes me the bi*ch. Me asking him to stay home on the weekend for once makes me the bi*ch. Baby starts crying and he gets pissed off and starts swearing at him! Like wtf your swearing at our 3 month old son because he tired and you can't realize that because you don't spend any time with him, he doesn't want to be put down he wants you to hold him, don't swear at him because he starts to cry, it's what babies do! He pisses me off so much! I'm basically a single mom, I have to do everything, or I have to ask my parents for help. I didn't think him taking care of his own son was such a burden.

I love my son and I do everything for him, even if that means I get 4hrs of sleep 3 nights in a row because I have to walk around the house at night with him on my shoulder for him to sleep because his stomach hurts from not pooping for a week and being very gassy. Even if that means eating only twice a day because I'm spending all my time watching and taking care of him Only to have my husband say "it's not like you do anything all day" when I ask him to do one thing, when he spent the last 4 nights out with his friends till 12-1am and I haven't spent a night; let alone an hour with my friends; out for the last 5 years. I love my husband and I love my son, but I'm a single mom in a married relationship.

Mommy rant over. If you've stayed this far good job, I know I wouldn't have. If you have any advice or anything you'd like to say please go ahead.

(Just so people don't get their feelings hurt— I have no problem with single parents, it's a lot of work and your more amazing for staying by your child and being able to care for them yourself)

Edit: Thank you everyone my son is my pride and joy, and to answer a few questions:

1) No my husband has never even worn our front carrier, I'm not even sure he knows how to work it. (And yes I've offered many times to show him.)

2) All though marriage counselling seems like a good idea, we have a great marriage outside of him not helping with the baby.

3) Yes we planned the baby we had 2 previous miscarriages and where both really expected when we found out about our son.

4) No he's usually very helpful and does things without me even asking, and though being a single mom wouldn't be that difficult for me I do love my husband and we do have a good relationship, and yes I do have help from my parents they only live up the street so I have 24/7 help when I need it.