PSA sex with an ex-story

Background, me and the ex dated back in high school and it has been 3&1/2 years since we broke up. We used to have pretty good see as far as I can remember but were definitely inexperienced at the time. Since then I've gained a looot of experience and I would assume he has as well so we both should know what we like. We dated for about a year and he never got me off (saaaaad story lmao) so it really wasn't that great of sex. Anyhoo ive not had sex in over a year as I was raped and then fell pregnant. For some reason I thought it would be a great idea to hook up with my ex....

Here's what happened, I had A ton of flashbacks to the rape. He didn't get me off/I didn't get myself off because I couldn't get myself into it much further than his dick is tearing up my internal organs and this is not Aaron (fave sex partner) level sex lol. Having to use Condoms did NOT help because they're fucking terrible and the condom fucking broke then the switching out plus breastfeeding factor of dryness on top of him not being any better at foreplay combined with the fact I'm not really very attracted to him anymore caused everything to dry up like the Sahara 🌵 and it was just fucking painful. He stayed awkwardly far away from me so I didn't really know what to do with my hands and then at one point he squeezed my boobs which caused milk to go all over my face and I cracked up because of it and he didn't notice it so I just said you probably shouldn't squeeze my boobs lmao. I ended up just telling him to get off so one of us does to get it over with because it was just NOT going well.

Moral of the story: don't have sex with your ex because things don't change and they're your ex for a reason 😐🙄 if you used to have sex ITS NOT GOOD ANYMORE. Also, if you're trying to have sex buzzed give it a solid 30-45 mins to kick in so you're not just starting to feel it after they've left and now you're eating an entire container of pasta reflecting on days of good sex and bad decisions 😂