False Labor ?!


This is baby #4 for me amd my due date that I have always gone with (first one I was ever told) was September 6th. Which would make me 37+3 today. Ive been having contractions on and off for a few weeks now and some have even gotten to be 2 to 3 minutes apart. My last ob visit (which was on August 16th) I was only 1 to 2 cm 50% effaced and baby's head was engaged. Last night around 9 we went in I really believe I was in labor because contractions were 2 to 3 minutes apart and I was having severe back pain along with it. We get there and Im hooked to the monitors still contracting but they slow down instantly and arent as painful. My Midwife comes in she checks me and I'm now 3cm 60% effaced and baby's head is -1 station. They then mention a due date of September 10th... Which no it's not much of a differemce but that now means my baby if born before sunday will be considered preterm?! Oddly they offer to let me walk around so we walked for what seemed like forever (almost 2 hours) still contracting my contractions at one point became so painful I could barely walk or breathe. Eventually I get back to the room sit on the birthing ball for a bit and the nurses asks to put me back on the monitor. I was still contracting as they said about every 3 minutes. My midwife again comrs in to check me and she says since there is no change they were sending me home. Mind you after she checked me the contractions had gotten so painful but all I was told go home take a bath and some tylenol and come back when its actual labor with extreme pains. Im still contacting not quite as bad but also cramping. I pray something is happening because I'm miserable but at the same time Im terrified. She mentioned my bag of water was tight and to come back immediatly once it broke or contractions didnt go away and got worse. Mind you this is my 4th baby amd my last baby is only 13 months old. So I feel like everything hurts a million times worse then Ive ever experienced. Im so nervous that I wont have enough time to get an epidural of I was to need one and I know the pain. Or that I wont even make it to the hospital on time because of course this time I want to make sure they're not going away before we go up there again. So here I am stil pregnant having period like cramps and loosing some blood show from being checked and no more contractions l. I'm afraid to even try anything to make contractions come because I don't want false labor. Any suggestions?