Deaf or Hard of Hearing Moms

Taryn • Married to the most amazing man in the world! :) Trying to conceive our first baby. His 3rd & my 1st - Currently on Clomid 50mg - PCOS affects my fertility - Liberty University- Ultra Conservative Right Wing Republican- Trump Train

Hi ladies,

I've always had really, really bad ear infections. I have multiple ear infections a month and it has caused all kinds of havoc on my hearing. I'm currently at the current hearing level of roughly a 60-70 yr old. To make matters worse, I've learned that I have Meniere's Disease and it will result in total deafness.

I was taught the alphabet in ASL when I was in kindergarten and I remember it. I can also count on ASL. I'm just finding it kind of hard to learn what feels like a whole different language. At this moment I'm stuck in this lonely world somewhere between the hearing and the deaf. Everything is horribly muffled and I end up feeling stupid when I don't understand what someone says, so I only ask them to delete themselves once and then I just go along pretending I heard it.

Neither my family nor my husband truly seem to understand where I am currently at in my life and no one seems interested in learning ASL. I am currently on clomid as my husband and I want a family. However, now I'm incredibly scared of this. The thought of not hearing my baby cry or it's sweet little voice as it learns to speak is heartbreaking. I'm also afraid something will be wrong and I won't know it. I don't know if this is a passable condition, but I don't want my children to have to live with this issue either.

Ladies, I feel very apprehensive now. Are there any deaf moms, hard of hearing moms, or anyone else with Ménière's disease that may could provide some insight as to how you deal with daily life with kids?