I have a question please no rude comments

Katy • 22♡ Army wife♡ Mommy♡ YouTuber♡

So me and my husband have lived in his grandfather's house for about 3 years now because my husband is scared of the responsibility of paying bills. so he's been paying him 600 a month (300 out of each of his paychecks) well the first 2 1/2 years his grandfather was gambling the money we give him he was losing his house. but my husbands mom paid the house off so he gets to keep it now. Do you think it's wrong that he don't use the money that we give him to pay like water and power or bills he uses it to gamble with? Also I put notes on the front door downstairs cause we live in a in law suit downstairs and the notes always say please don't knock baby is sleeping and his grandfather always bangs on the door even with the note on the door and it's HARD to get my son to sleep. that's really frustrating when he does that.. Right now he's not living here he lives with somebody else..