How much should I be holding my infant

I'm a FTM and I've been behind on life since having my baby. He's just over a month old now. I haven't been able to work out, the house has gotten cluttered, laundry and dishes get stacked a little higher then I'd like to admit and then I'm always behind on sleep lol go figure! When I try to catch up on things I have to put him in his swing and I feel horrible like I'm just not holding him enough. I feed him, burp him then, soothe him while he dozes back off then put him down. He started to get a slight flat spot on his head very early on I've tried switching how he sleeps but despite my efforts he's always turns back to the same side of his head! I feel so horrible! Am I neglecting him 😭 I'm so scared that my child is mentally/emotionally going to develop improperly because I'm not holding him enough while I do other things. I worry about it so much I never get the other things done even while he's sleeping I will never catch up!!!

(I used to just use his bassinet before I got him a bouncer since putting him in the bouncer during the day his small slat spot has gotten a lot better)