Is there something wrong with my baby???


Please help me out. My daughter is 2 months old and she's my first child I need to know if I'm just a worried first time mom or could there really be something wrong....

She's drooling, sticking her tongue out (not all day) and shakes her head from side to side when I'm holding her in an upright position (when she does tummy time she holds her head up fine with no shaking). Sometimes her eyes go down (think about when you're trying to look at something on the floor or your boobs but don't bend your head down). I went to the doctor for her 2-month checkup 3 days ago and the doctor said it's normal if she drools and as long as her eyes aren't crossing there aren't any concerns but as a parent I still feel worried.

Should I seek a second opinion or am I overthinking it and should just give my daughter more time to develop?