Do you think owning a chained up dog should be legal?

The Grinch • Mama to Owen. Ex-Amish. Holiday Cheermeister. 💙

I know. So many dog posts. I just get in so many arguments with people that I have to bring them here. (I am totally kidding, I really dislike confrontation.) I did have this conversation, though. Personally, my dog stays in my hours except for she she is using the bathroom or something. I have her trained to where I can leave her out when I'm not home as well. Although, I have never had a chained up animal so I couldn't really say exactly how I would feel, I think it is unfair to the dog but I definitely try not to judge. What are your opinions. Also, there is a difference in the dog being chained up 24/7 and being chained up while you're at work or running errands.

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