Weaning off breast pump


My daughter is one month old now and I've been breast pumping and supplementing with formula ever since she was born. My supply has never been high and I think the most I've ever pumped was 4oz all together both breasts. As of recently, I've only been able to pump 2oz all together and pumping is taking a toll on me mentally and I think I've decided to stop. Will this be difficult for me even with my small supply? I pump 8 times a day for about 15-20 minutes, and my plan is to cut down to 7 times for 3 days and do 6 for 3, etc until I only pump once a day and then none- hoping my supply is gone by then. However, I'm worried because I'm prone to clogged ducts in my right breast and I'm afraid this might be a difficult task (weaning) can I have some input from other moms who have experienced this? I feel like all I can find on the internet are from exclusive pumpers who have good milk supplies... so I feel like I can't relate.