Thoughts on this?

My boyfriend and I almost broke up the other day for stupid reasons, and a girl who he cheated on me with over a year ago (make out with ) comforted him (she got a boyfriend but didn't stop her last time ) and apparently was nice and helped him through it, so now they are friends and he wants to keep contact with her. I feel uncomfortable with this. Am I wrong to want them to stop contact?

I asked him if it would be okay if I was to talk to my ex ( he's flirty and the deal was he doesn't talk to her and I don't talk to him ) and he said no it's different.

The only difference is, is that he cheated and I didn't.

What do I do? He literally refused to not be friends with her. I don't wanna make him not be friends, but I asked him not to have her on snapchat because that makes me most uncomfortable and no one on one time. Am I in the wrong ?

Would you be the same?