

I am on my first round of clomid 50mg days 3-7. I am currently on cd19. I was wondering what other people felt while on clomid. I had no side effects when I was actually taking the pills but for the past 2-3 days I am emotional, my boobs hurt, I have had cramping where it almost feels like I'm going to get my period but it's way to early for that. Im just curious to hear about other people's experiences while using clomid and if it did end up working for them.

Update: I got my blood work done on Tuesday and for whatever reason they used the wrong lab slip so they tested for pregnancy which ofcourse was negative. So I just got my blood drawn again today cd23 for progesterone. Will keep you guys posted

Update: I didn't get my lab results back yet however I work for a cardiology office and since I haven't been feeling well I asked the ultrasound tech if she could take a look and see what's going on. She found a cyst on my left ovary 3.2 cm and an endometrium of 1.6 cm. I called my doctor and have to go in for an office visit on Wednesday where they will most likely do a transvaginal ultrasound. If I feel nauseous, severe pain, abnormal bleeding I was told I need to go to the ER. Right now I'm cd24. Will let you guys know how it turns out.

Update: I saw the doctor today he is not concerned about the cyst and said it should go away on its own. I did ovulate! So we are going to try the clomid again this month. I am going to get the opk sticks so I can track better.