I'm So Confused!!!

Lydia • ❤Married #July1st2017 ❤

Ok, so here's what's going on. First of all, hello I'm Lydia and I am 20 (almost 21) and my husband is 29 (almost 30). I normally have 28-32 day cycles and my period ALWAYS lasts 6-7 days. Well, right before my period came on 8/17 I was nauseous and having slight cramps. Normally my 1st day on my period is really light, but this time it was about a medium flow, and the next day was a medium flow, and the next day was a medium flow for about 1/2 of the day and then POOF! I was only having light spotting??? So 2 1/2 of medium bleeding and then a 1/2 day of light spotting, and now I'm not spotting at all??? So only 3 days when I've ALWAYS had extremely heavy periods that last 6-7 days and I'm still feeling slightly nauseous every day for over a week, and my slight cramps have continued, and those normally stop when AF shows. They're really light cramps tho, nothing painful. I've also been feeling so exhausted during the day that I literally fight passing out, and it doesn't matter how much sleep I get or how little activity im doing. For example, I slept for about 10 hours yesterday and I was sitting on my couch watching friends and i just all of a sudden felt like every ounce of energy in my body was drained, and I've been getting this feeling 2-3x a day for the past 3-4days. I'm just so confused as to what's going on. Any and all help is welcome.