boyfriends driving me nuts?

I try not to post mine and my boyfriends business which i why im posting it here, versus on facebook or something but I need other opinions. My boyfriend is aamzing, hes a gentleman hes the sweetest guy ive ever met he treats me better than my own parents do, he helps me carry my bagage even ahen hes going through hell. however hes kind of a hypocrite and it dribes me nuts. Take our families for instance, we spend a lot of time at his house (he lives eith his grandma) he always tells me i need to open up. more and talk to them more (im super shy) but then he completely avoids even spending time with my famiky if he can, like ill invite him in when he comes over and he aleays declines. Then with sex hell make comments like "i dont mean to sound like an ass but you dont blow me as much as you used to" but i can count, on one hand, how many times ive gotten head in the whole time weve been dating. The other thing that annoys. me is when I cum first i keep going, even if i have to blow him for a little while, to make sure he cums. but if he cums first, then he just goes "i feel bad you didnt get to cum" if you feel so bad ehy didnt you keep going? i dont understand. other than those 3 things hes great but it just drives me nuts..... sorry no question just venting, but please feel free to add your input