Feeling like a wuss over here


I'm only 17weeks but get out of breath from the simplest tasks. Today showering and getting ready for church had me sitting on my bed, feeling like I was going to pass out. My head is pounding, it feels like my feet and hands are swelling (but they aren't) and my pulse is super forceful. This is insane. DH told me to stay home and rest, which I fought as I love our church and run the children's program. Missing church is like missing my favorite weekly event. So here I sulk, on my bed feeling like a wuss.

My dr doesn't seem to be concerned, but then again she only spends 5 min in the room to check baby's HR and leaves. I switched to a new one, but haven't seen her yet.

This is my 4th pregnancy, and cant ever remember feeling this bad especially so early.