Advice please

Sorry this might be long I'm just feeling really lost & I have no one to talk to...

Me & my husband just had our first baby she is almost 4 months old. He doesn't talk to his family & my family have cut me off haven't bothered to come meet my daughter they have always been a hit or a miss even while I was little. I'm looking for advice on how I get past having no family it's really upsetting me I almost feel bad for having my daughter cos now she will have no family😥 she will always have mummy & daddy but I feel bad that's all... any advice I just can't seem to not think about how my family does not care about us. I have sent my mum msgs telling how much I love her & it hurts etc & she isn't nice back so I have no choice but to give up nothing I do helps. It just hurts more trying.

My other question is would you have more kids or less kids if you were in this situation it scares me to have more close cos we have no one we trust enough to leave her with when I'm in labour etc (my last pregnancy I was high risk & on bedrest for most of it) also my husband does go away for work so sometimes he isn't even an option. I feel almost like I owe it to my daughter to have more kids so at least she will have siblings.

Open to any opinions xx