Is it wrong to feel this way?

Tiffany • ⚾️ Kaeson: 12/23/08 - 🦄 🦄 Aiyana & Everly: 7/21/18 - Jaici: 1/27/23

Woke up after falling asleep while watching a show on my tablet to my SO watching porn on his computer. I felt like throwing something at him, but also like I wanted to throw up.

This isn't the first time either. If I make a noise he quickly closes the browser. Does the same thing if I walk into the room. I feel totally disrespected by this. Not only because of the fact that WE'RE TRYING FOR A BABY, but he's trying to hide it from me.

I've told him before how I feel and it seems to get me no where. I honestly feel very disrespected and (to me) it feels like cheating. Why does he need to get off to random people having sex when I'm RIGHT THERE? Is it wrong for me to be feeling this way? I've honestly been crying for over an hour about this, it hurts me so much.