Needing ladies opinion on guy I am dating for almost 2 months

The guy I am currently dating (I can't say I'm dating yet because he feels it to be too soon) . I keep getting mixed signals from him and I don't know what to do. For instance last weekend , he took me out to dinner, told the waitress about my birthday (so they came out singing and it was so cute) and gave me giant panda ( one that was supposed to go to his ex but she fucked up and he never gave it to her, so that's odd.) then we proceed to pick up my dog and take her for ice cream! And I thought it was so cute. We then tried to have sex and we did once.... and he went soft in the middle of it. But other than that last week was great I suppose. Well this weekend we test drove my dream car and we were supposed to take my dog to the park but she got in trouble so we went home to drop her off , we then left and went downtown to a karaoke bar so that was fun (kind of), until a drunk guy unknowingly to me came up and started to make sexual gestures.... well the guy I'm dating grabbed my hand and pulled me out saying 'if I didn't get out I was going to fight him '.he said it was like defending a ladies honor, and I thought that was so cute. So we proceed back to his place were I for sure thought sex was on the way .... but nope. Not once he didn't even try and it kind of made me feel like I was becoming unattractive 😔. So next day we got up took a shower, were once again he tried nothing .... so I was just like for someone who is always in the mood this is odd. Before I left I told him he was a little off and he asked what I meant by that and I said "you haven't been affectionate at all, and maybe I'm just overthinking but something seems wrong ". He said I'm okay and then he said I'm sorry and pulled me close and kissed me. And I left and I never got a text from him and probably won't for awhile.... what do you guys think? Am I like completely wasting my time?