Do you force your children to share their things?

I don't like to force him because then it's not genuine he does share with whoever HE chooses and whatever item he chooses to share., with the exception of the cousin or friend that might want to borrow something he's not currently using then I do make him share if he's just being stingy . Also I feel like sometimes I don't like to have him sharing his handheld electronics like ds, or Nintendo switch because he kind of shares those with his dad and if something were to happen I'd rather it be one of their fault than another kid who's parent isn't even going to care . I just want to see if I'm the only one that feels like this because sometimes my family gets annoyed that I don't make him but honestly if their kid breaks something they're definitely not paying for it . (Ps my son is 7 yo him and his dad are big video game players and they bond a lot through that playing together and it's kind of nice now that I'll be having another baby )

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