I'm a hoe 😩😭 *updated*

So I literally just had sex with 2 people in one day 😭😭😭. (No new or random guys, these are guys I've already slept with). It ended exactly 12 hours apart! How do I know this you may ask?! Well I met up with the first guy at around 1:30pm and we had to rush things so that I could get to work, so we set an alarm for 2:45pm and actually finished right as it rang lol. And the second guy is my fwb. We can chill without fucking and I thought I could resist him but I just couldn't 😩 we had the wildest sex in his bathroom while his 5 siblings and parents were in the house. He had to sneak out first and right as I look on my phone BAM πŸ’₯ it's 2:45am. I feel like such a hoe, but I got bomb dick two times in a day πŸ˜­πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ


Firstly I am not anywhere near underage, don't know why y'all are assuming so. Secondly his family was having a nice get together which is why his parents and siblings were all there. I was there because I'm actually really close to his entire family since we've all known each other for years. Don't assume, just ask..

Oh and my PH balance is just fine. I obviously showered in between and used a little invention called a condom.