relationship and marriage


so I have been having major health issues with my pcos and no period. well my in laws think I'm making all my problems and want me to sweep my depression and stuff under the rug. I have been having issues with my marriage over a year ago I caught him sexting other women on 4 different occasions, but his family don't know that. they think that the issues in our marriage aren my fault and I'm bring him down, but when they chew me out he doesn't stand up for me. he just sits there and is quiet. I have to be 2 different people the person I am every day and then around his family I have to hide who I am. I'm tired of it and every time m make things work out, after a month or so it goes back to the way it was. I have recently been talking with a guy at work that I'm great friends with and when I'm with him I'm happy. his wife just left him and I have been helping him. today he was hang out and he told me that he cared about me and that I gave him something that no one has in awhile but he doesn't want to hurt me bc I'm marred. the problem is he is showing me the kind of man I want in my life and I have always like him. I'm so confused on what to do?