Over it...


#37weeks and counting down. Sleep is something I know nothing of lately. Either its my itchy belly that wakes me up because of my crazy gross stretch marks, or the constant bathroom trips, or the pains in my back, or the fact that I can't get in a comfortable position to sleep in. On top of that, I've had to deal with pre-term contractions the past month and a half, (remedied by taking progesterone meds for 2 weeks), but the doctor now says that baby girl hasn't dropped and I could be looking at a later delivery date than expected?! However if the contractions come back after my meds are done then they'll have me ride it out and try to see if I go into labor (if not, might have to consider forced labor). I never knew pregnancy would be so hard for me to get through, especially since I can't get any concrete answers as to what I should expect - its all up to the baby and my body to run its course... Trying to stay as positive and as patient as I can be, but damn, growing a human is hard work!