women,moms,someone, help?

♥MAMA❤ • 🕸SASSY🕸 Mummy of 2 Ghouls🦉🐁, Married on 🎃SAMHAIN👻forever in love💘 and 🖤eternally spooky🖤

our second is due in march. we refuse to have any more kids. unless we change our mind in a few decades lol either way, he can't take off work to help me with a (by then)4 y/o and a newborn while I heal from a historectomy. and the horror stories I've heard it would rather just get the iud again and have it correctly put in (the first one the lunatic dr cut the strings like an inch from the opening of my vagina so it got twisted and ended up slipping, it was supposed to be a centimeter from the bottom of the iud...) I'm willing to try again but I really need some legit advice. does getting your tubes tied really require that much rest? is there something easier? (no sex is not an option lmfao my husband is beautiful there's a reason I'm pregnant and need something to keep the black night at bay once this tiny squish makes their appearance) any advice or

explanation is greatly appreciated. t.i.a.!

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