Weird, but...2 month old no longer fussy?


I know this sounds so stupid! My little one just turned 2 months today. For the last 2 days, she's been sleeping for nearly 10-11 hours through the night only waking up to eat once. Then throughout the day, she's ridiculously calm. This is out of the ordinary for us since she's been a very very fussy baby ever since we first brought her home, just very unhappy and would not stop crying for anything. Then all of a sudden the last 2 days, she's been nothing but smiles, playful and calmness. We braced ourselves for this week since we saw on the Wonder Weeks that they get super fussy during the 8th week. Yet, out child decided to go the opposite. Look, I already know this sounds stupid lol. Could there be any reason my usually crazy child is now happy and so fun? Lol

I'm posting this in second time moms since you guys obviously have some experience! 😜